Friday, September 11, 2015

Teams for Saturday & Sunday

These are teams Blue is Restricted / Red is Havoc after tonights drafts.
Contact : Deadlystriker = Restricted 
Contact : Grubitsch = Havoc

You have until the GvG's tomorrow to be in your designated guild otherwise you must wait until our next series of matches.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Level 200- GvG event - Community held.

Welcome to the community held 200- GvG event. 

Here are the rules :

- You must be level 200 or lower.
- There will be two guilds only to maximize on players.
- To join this event post reply on FB with your current IGN & your 200-  IGN
- Players who do not apply in time won't be placed on a team.
- There will be no vices in either guild to prevent disruption of guild members.
- Mini pets will be disallowed, turn them off before entering GvG.

We will be running application process until Friday of this week.
Players from who apply will be randomized into two teams.

First GvG will be on Saturday  @ 10:00 Game time
Second will be on Sunday @ 18:00 Game time

If this goes over well, we will look to do more of these during the week and weekends.

This list isn't final & is subject to change 
Here is a list of all players who've applied. 

Superpam ; Dauri 
Tahmur ; Grubitsch
Akeno ; Irina
Care ; avatar
NoSoupForYou ; Unfair
Saurian ;  deadlystriker
Okkin ; Maine
Dragonlance ; Dragonflute
GAT_X103 ; GAT_X102
Hestia_ ; Flippy
Zoony ; Knox
xChoukyx ; suzumebachi
SexyTamer ; SexyChamp
ferkos ; Ferkos_
KATEKYO ; QueenElf
Great_Priest ; Great_Tamer
Reaper ; mage1
Faks ; Tebann
Kiyomi ; Kyoto
MrSatan ; GiveAssPlease
Voltar ; Razz